Bing Crosby
Status: Completed Treatment
My Grandfather, Bing Crosby, was without a doubt the most popular and influential media star of the first half of the 20th century. He was the true “King of Entertainment,” and is still the undisputed, biggest-selling recording artist of all time. According to music industry experts, his record sales now exceed over 1.2 billion units, and that staggering number continues to climb with every passing year. No other artist even comes close -- not Sinatra, not Elvis, not the Beatles, not Michael Jackson.
Bing‘s achievements are iconic on so many levels. He was an amazing singer, actor, TV and feature film producer, innovator, entrepreneur, sportsman, and golfer, and I can’t wait to bring his early years to life on the big screen. Although he fought demons like we all do, he was a great man with honorable intentions, who did so much for so many during America‘s troubled times.